Vivamus Vel Libero Mori
Somehow or other you have arrived at this webpage. Either because you know me somehow, or you tracked down this webpage. So now that you are here, this website is intended to serve as digital porfolio of myself. An introduction atleast.
My name is Oliver, here is a little about me: I'm an student of world and am intent on living my life to the fullest. I have an INTJ personality type which I have always found to be pretty accurate in describing many of my own qualities. I love taking walks through nature, spending time meditating on topics that interest me. I'm an avid film photographer, movie buff, computer geek, adventurer, philosopher, scientist, and citizen of the world!
I'm currently traveling around the world on a mission to discover more of who I am and what I really want in this life. I belive strongly that life is what you make of it and I believe the perspective taken on it all is precisely what defines your life in the end.
I never cease looking for new areas to expand my knowledge. I love bringing myself through history, studying the greatest minds of our world, and ultimatetly learning anything and everything I can. I'm a life long learner at heart and am aware that I still have much to learn.
Be it photography, start up ventures, web development, coding, I am a creator at heart. I pour my heart an soul into everything I create and tend to it as if were my own child. I've been a very tech-savy soul, I love figuring how things work, and how that can be translated into something real.
The endless posilities of life has always beckoned me to adventure way out of my comfort zone, traveling around the world has been a major part of that in my story. I've traveled all over the continental United States, Europe, and still have so much more on my list! I dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail, moving my life all over the globe, learning new lauanges and immersing myself in new cultures.
Here are some highlights from my life, my travels, and other moments that made an impact on me. Each of these frames has a story behind it. Some were heartbreaking, some were durring high points in my life. All of these are moments have made a major impact in my life in one way or another. Photography has always been a passion of mine. I love to shoot 35mm film (Kodak Tri-X 400++ 🖤) from my Canon AE-1, my SX-70 Poloroid camera, and of course my iPhone!
I was born in the United States in a small town in the ancient appalachian mountains. I lived a farily normal American childhood. I played soccer, loved video games, and movies. I graduated from university and began my career working as an IT professional in Washington D.C and New York City for around 4 years.
I learned plenty of lessons, earned some money, but I was never quite satisfied with this life. I craved much more and wanted to see really see world. So, slowly but surely, I started selling and donating my belongings. I learned how to live minimally and travel on a budget. I traveled all over the United States working as a house-sitter. I was alive, I was free, I knew that this kind of life is what I wanted for myself.
Now I am like a feather in the wind, I'm like Jules in the end of Pulp Fiction, I walk the Earth, meet people, get into adventures. I left my life in the United States behind, and now my only plan is to be like water, and let the universe guide me where I'm supposed to go.
I dream that someday I will have children of my own, and that this path I've chosen for my self will paid off in wisdom that I can pass down to them. I want to live as rich a life as possible, to suck out all the marrow of life, and when my time to rest finaly comes. Take peace in knowing that I gave it my all.